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Ingenieurbüro Rainer Bongers
in Frankfurt am Main

Technische Dienstleistungen


Dieses Geschäft hat keine feste Adresse.


Telefonnummer: +49 162 6372746




Mo. 09:00 - 16:00 aktuell geöffnet - noch bis 16:00 Uhr

Über Ingenieurbüro Rainer Bongers in Frankfurt am Main

After working over 40 years for one of the largest leading adhesive producers globally, I have decided to apply my knowledge and skills through consulting. I hold a degree in Chemical Engineering and started my career within the technical sales department of Henkel AG & Co. KGaA. I have progressed to become one of the first Key Account Managers for Europe in 1990 and launched one of the first CRM oriented databases. The introduction of new products into several different markets required a lot of time and personal dedication, which is why I spend a major time of my career in South/ - and Central America transferring knowledge and introducing new tools and strategies. I managed several accounts in the food and packaging industry, including one of the biggest global players in flexible packaging production. Traveling and working in Europe and overseas has taught me about self-organization and creating good instincts for new markets. I had the opportunity to work with many differen


Ingenieurbüro Rainer Bongers in Frankfurt am Main

Sortiment von Ingenieurbüro Rainer Bongers

Ingenieurbüro Rainer Bongers verkauft Produkte aus diesen Kategorien:

  • Produktion und Fertigung
  • Wartung und Instandsetzung

Rezensionen für Ingenieurbüro Rainer Bongers

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