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Flavour of India
in Kloten

Indisches Restaurant


Kalchengasse 12
8302 Kloten


Telefonnummer: 0432556710




Mo. 08:00 - 01:00 aktuell geschlossen

Lage und Anfahrt zu Flavour of India

Route zum Geschäft

Über Flavour of India Kalchengasse 12 in Kloten

Im Restaurant Flavour of India sind wir stark engagiert Ihr Speiserlebnis zu einem angenehmen und unvergesslichen Anlass zu machen.At the Restaurant “Flavour of India”, we are dedicated to making your dining experience a memorable and pleasurable one. We take pride in the time and effort we put into preparing quality Indian foods for our customers. Our food is daily freshly prepared. Our friendly service staff is trained to offer you the kind of service you deserve. They are here to make all your dining experiences with the Flavour of India enjoyable and a memorable one. We go the extra mile to make sure that all our customers feel like honored guests when they dine with us. We strive to pamper our customers. If you love food, you will realise that each meal is a roller coaster of sensations. Delicately garnished with European tones that enhance natural flavours of the food rather than overpower them, the cuisine at Flavour of India will have discerning guests undertake a whole new gastronomic journey. An exhilarating menu waits to be explored.


Flavour of India, Kalchengasse in Kloten Flavour of India, Kalchengasse in Kloten Flavour of India, Kalchengasse in Kloten

Sortiment von Flavour of India

Flavour of India verkauft Produkte aus diesen Kategorien:

  • Zubereitete Speisen
  • Salate
  • Fleischgerichte
  • Spezialitäten

Rezensionen für Flavour of India

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